How can I help you?

So, what is it you want to achieve?

To help you best become the speaker you want to be I’d ask you to do some thinking?

Do you want to be more confident, or do you need feedback as to what you do well or do you need more practise or is it good ole specific training on the skill of public speaking?

There are 3 options to fit each of these.

  1. A personal speech evaluation

  2. Live interactive small group training

  3. Individual mentoring

Please have a read of these below and if you are not sure after looking at these then please contact me with some more details and I can advise you of the best course of action to achieve what you want

  1. A detailed evaluation of your speech

    If you don’t know what you can improve on, how can you expect to get any better?’ .


When you get feedback, what do people tell you? Do they say things like; ‘It was really good’ or ‘I enjoyed it’. If so then both of those don’t really help you much, do they? You did something favourable but that’s about it. Sometimes people say nothing and then you have no idea!

So, what’s the answer? In short, better feedback! To find out more, if you’d rather watch and listen, please watch the short video below. Or, if you prefer to read, please keep reading below…

If you want to know more about getting a personalised speech evaluation then click here to get started.

But how do you get better feedback? You could ask more questions, but the BIG problem is, the audience aren’t trained to give feedback about your performance. Their perspective is all about what they got from the presentation, or as can be the case, what they didn’t get!

Why am I qualified to help you? In May 2020 I became the Toastmaster International UK Speech Evaluation champion. If you wanted to learn what you do well and what you can improve on then I can definitely help.

What will I do? With my speech evaluation service I will watch a recording of any or your speeches or presentations (up to a maximum of 20mins in length). I will then evaluate it giving you a forensic like detailed breakdown. Your evaluation will be supplied as a 10 min video of me guiding you through your speech.

What will I cover? I go over the things you did well, when you did them and why that is important. Secondly, you will also get guidance on the things you can improve on, both as a speaker and the speech itself. I will talk you through when these occurred and specifically I’ll give my expert opinion on how you can go about improving them. Think of this as like a blueprint for taking your speaking to the next level.

How much does it costs? The total cost of each speech evaluation is £30.

What is the next step? Do you want clear professional feedback on your performance? If you are interested in moving forward with this option and finding out more, then simply click here to get started and we can get that set up.


2. Small interactive group learning

‘I have learnt how to combat anxiety and where it comes from and I look forward to future opportunities to present.’ 


Fear of public speaking is widespread, as are courses on how to get over this or to improve your speaking. Why then should you consider training with me?

Well because people make the improvements they want to. To find out more, if you’d rather watch and listen, then please watch the short video below. Or, if you prefer to read, please keep reading below…

If you want to know more about the online interactive small group training then click here to get started.

Will I learn the same stuff I can find on the internet? No you won’t. This course isn’t just a collection of age old speaking tools and techniques. It’s deeper than that. Think of it as being like a tennis player and their coach. You and your presentations are the tennis player, what you will learn is how to become your own coach. Let me explain more…

What makes this better? Public speaking is a skill, the same way that playing tennis is a skill. You wouldn’t expect a tennis coach to stand there and just tell you 50 different tips. What they do is give you some foundational understanding, they teach you the core skills and they individually tailor this to you. That way you improve and through the insights taught you learn to evaluate your performance and make steady improvements on your own. That’s what we do on the course, it is not just a standard set of teaching. You will learn to evaluate yourself and others so you can then model what you want to achieve allowing you to continue learning after the course.

How many of us on the course? It will be you, me and 7 other participants like you. What connects you with everyone else will be a willingness to be a better speaker. That includes me too, I learn something new every week.

What will we cover? Once we get to know each other a little bit, we will start with some foundations which you may find surprising. The first thing is feedback, yes feedback. By understanding how to give better feedback you can start to see what you do well and where you can make improvements. We will learn this skill together and give each other feedback. We will then cover other important aspects such as confidence, story telling, voice and engagement. Each session will be packed and there will be optional additional reading and study you can work on between sessions. Throughout there is lots of time for practise and feedback.

How long and how much is the course? Over the 12+ hours direct contact time, 2.5 hours once a week for 5 weeks, during that time you will learn a lot about speaking and yourself as a speaker. You will have things to work on between sessions and additional reading and study to help improve both your knowledge and your ability. The total cost of the course is £275.

How will you benefit? Previous participant feedback centre on improvements in confidence, understanding of themselves as speakers and what they do well and what they can improve on. They understand better how to structure their speeches, how to engage the audience better and reductions in anxiety when speaking. Public speaking is a skill that gets better with practise, the more you put in the more you will get out…

What is the next step? Are you ready to take the next step to improve your public speaking ability. Do you want to be a confident and engaging speaker. Well then, let’s get cracking. If you are interested in this option and you want to know the course dates then simply click here to download the course brochure and see the available dates. You can apply for any course date by clicking here.


3. Private Mentoring

‘His mentoring has definitely accelerated me to the next level in my learning. I will definitely be working with Chris again in the future.’

Marie Wright, Executive Coach


Do you want to fast track your public speaking and presenting ability? Have you got an important presentation coming up? Do you prefer to work individually so the focus is on you? If so then working one to one with me is the fastest way for me to help you improve and achieve what you want to.

Let me explain a little more, if you’d rather watch and listen, please watch the short video below. Or, if you prefer to read, please keep reading below…

If you are serious about making progress and you want the access my years of experience then click here to get started and we can talk.

Who has private mentoring? The clients I have come from a wide variety of backgrounds. The majority are in business with many in corporate and leadership roles.

What can it help with? My one to one clients vary from those in the early stages of their speaking to corporate sales executives and executive coaches. Goals have varied from wanting to be more confident, wanting to speak without notes to wanting to be more impactful.

Why it is better than my other services? Working individually you get my undivided attention. At the start we agree exactly what you want to achieve and then look at exactly how we are going to get there. Sometimes with clients anxiety and confidence are issues they want to work on. Frequently they are looking to improve the structure and content of their speeches. so they deliver more impactful speeches that people both remember and are changed by.

How long would we work together? Most clients book in blocks of 5 but some book for longer. Each session is 1 hour in length and are usually weekly but these can be spaced out further.

Why am I qualified to help you? In May 2020 I became both the Toastmaster International UK Speech Evaluation Champion and the Impromptu Speaking Champion. Having run a public speaking club for 4 years, taught numerous courses to adults and children and mentored many people, I bring you that knowledge to focus on what you want to excel at.

What is the next step? If you now that working individually is going to work best for you then the next step is to book a call so we can talk. You can tell me a little bit more about yourself and I can let you know how I can add value and what we can hope to achieve. I can also run through the fee structure. So, if you want to make rapid progress then get started me by clicking here and we can talk.
